Videos from “The Big Adventure”

Howdy folks!  I have been learning how to make videos from pictures on my computer.  I realize this is not a new skill for many of you…but for me, it’s a huge stretch of my technical abilities!   I want to preserve the memories from our big trip to Alaska and all the the great experiences we had.  And we have hundreds and hundreds of pictures.  So, I decided to put together some videos and these are the first 2 of that endeavor.

The first video is from when we left in late May thru June; the second video is from the month of July.  I’m working on more videos, stay tuned!

Going through all the pictures to make these videos brought back so many memories…what changes we have made in our lives!! 🙂  I had tears running down my face half the time I was working on these, and was laughing the other half of the time.  When we go back and look at the pictures, we still can’t believe we actually were there and saw the things we saw.  Don’t be too surprised if another trip to Alaska happens at some point in the future!!

Please let me know how these work, I hope you will be able to see them okay.  I think viewing on a larger screen (tablet or computer) will be better than a phone, since the pictures are small.

Life is good!

1st Video: this one is about 4 minutes long:!Ap-2lg-EnL0pngTpHhgaI_v9e_u0

2nd Video: this one is almost 10 minutes long!  Sorry, I can’t bear to leave out all the good stuff!!Ap-2lg-EnL0pngWIm_zn3SB72jIG

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