Lots of Fun in the Southwest and Technology Troubles

Hi Everyone!! First, apologies for the long delay since our last post.  And thanks for all the comments, we love hearing from you guys!!  At the risk of sounding like I’m making excuses (which I admit I am 🙂 ), I have been struggling with – or more like fighting with – my computer and storage space.  The short story is we are completely out of storage space on the computer, way too many pictures and videos.  This in spite of the fact that I have 3 cloud services – Google Photos, Verizon Cloud and One Drive.  But alas, all the photos from Steve’s “big” camera load to the computer storage even though I thought I was getting them to go straight to One Drive.

Technology is not my strength by a long shot, and it certainly isn’t Steve’s.  I have spent hours trying to figure out a solution and have not resolved it yet.  And part of the problem is I’m always trying to move pictures from the computer to the cloud when we are in areas with not great internet service which is most of the time.   I think I’m going to get an external hard drive when we’re back in civilization somewhere soon.  I’ve always struggled with getting our cell phone pictures and the pictures from Steve’s big camera to be in one place so I can merge them together into albums to put in this blog.  And now this storage issue … ahhhggg!!

But enough about that, sorry for venting.  Onto the happier topic of our travel adventures.  I’ll give you a roundup of where we’ve been these last few weeks and what we’ve been up to so we’re all caught up.  We left Denver after a lovely visit with Samantha and went to southwest Colorado.  Near a really cute little town called Ouray, in the San Juan mountains.  Loved it there, and went to the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park.  Beautiful.  We also drove a long (13 mile) dirt/gravel road to the area True Grit with John Wayne was filmed (at least part of it).  It was also a beautiful area and we enjoyed exploring it, very remote.

From there we went to eastern Utah.  First a 3 night stay at the Dead Horse Point State Park (they filmed the end scene from Thelma and Louise there, where they drive off the cliff).  Great state park and made us realize we should maybe try to stay in state parks more often.  Then we moved just 30 miles to an RV park in Moab, UT.  Main reason for using an RV park vs. a state park is that most state parks don’t have full hook ups.  We had electric only at the state park.  No water and no sewer hook up.  But we have big tanks for that and planned accordingly.  We could have made it several more days without hook ups we determined.  But anyhow, we moved to Moab, at a decent but not great RV park with full hook ups.

I can sum up our 10 days in the Moab/Dead Horse State Park area in 1 word:  HOT.  It was 105 or more every day.  No trees, no shade, just lots of red rocks, beautiful canyons and hot.  I admit it slowed us down quite a bit.  We even spent a couple of days hibernating in our air conditioning.  And Gerry hates the heat we have learned.  But we got out and did a lot too.  We celebrated Steve’s birthday at a lovely ranch about 20 miles outside of Moab that was a beautiful drive.  We got massages at the ranch spa too (hey, it was Steve’s birthday)!  We went to Canyonlands National Park and Arches National Park.  Both are beautiful.  We did several hikes and also rented a Jeep for an off road adventure.  We’ve never done that before and it was fun.  Plus the Jeep had air conditioning which we kept at full blast all day, while we had the top open.  Gerry was not a huge fan of the Jeep and the bouncy jeep trails.  But it got us off the beaten path and into some really cool places, including some very steep jeep trails with big drop offs that were a little scary.

The rental place gave us a good lesson before we left about shifting and when and how to use which gears and they also gave us maps of the “beginner” trails.  The instructions even tell you exactly where on each trail to shift into lower gears and were pretty idiot proof, as evidenced by the fact we completed the trails they suggested and made it back safely!

We left Moab yesterday (Saturday) and drove about 150 miles east back to Colorado.  We’re only about an hour from where we were a couple of weeks ago, on the other side of the San Juan mountains.  We’re about 50 miles south of Telluride and about 70 miles north of Durango.  We LOVE it here.  One of the best campgrounds we’ve seen anywhere, rustic but nice.  Lots of trees, and nestled into the mountains all around.  Sites big enough to have a campfire at each site, and we’ve had a fire already in ours.  And it was so chilly this morning we turned on our fireplace and went looking for our sweatshirts!!  We’re at 8,100 feet elevation and it was only about 80 today for a high.  Perfect.  Went for a great 6 mile hike today into the mountains, walked right our our RV door to the trailhead.

The RV is holding up pretty well so far, but we have lost a few (3 total) pieces of wood trim inside.  One is a crown molding on a kitchen cabinet, one is a piece of baseboard and one is off the closet door.  Not sure why things are falling off now and not last summer on the bumpy road to Alaska.  But, maybe we knocked a few things loose then and they’re falling off now.  Who knows…but, all in all the RV is great and we are still loving it.  And loving this lifestyle.

We plan to go to Telluride tomorrow.  We hear it is a very nice, resort town that is super dog friendly.  They have a Gondola that allows doggies, so we’re going to ride it to the top of the mountain.  I’m sure I’ll have things to report on that later!

I’ve put together some pictures on Google Photos from our phones.  As mentioned earlier, I can’t load any of Steve’s pictures from the big camera yet, so phone pictures are all we have.  Hope they work!!  The picture below is on Steve’s birthday, on the drive out to the ranch for dinner.  The links to Google Photo albums is below it.

Arches National Park:   https://photos.app.goo.gl/QpVC9RQkX8HzvUd66

Moab, UT:  https://photos.app.goo.gl/u1fpH66eREEmk2RF7

Off Road Adventure:  https://photos.app.goo.gl/9Whif6uRf137qW4bA


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