
Hello, Hello!

As I write this we are in Oklahoma City, OK, wrapping up some business Steve needed to do here, and leaving in the morning for Ohio!  It will take us 3 full days of driving to make it back to Columbus.  Wow…can’t believe how fast time goes sometimes.  We’ve been on the road this time for 5 months.  It will be great to be home again and see family and friends and enjoy the holidays.  At the same time, it will be a little sad moving out of the RV.  We love it so much and love our life on the road.

Our last couple of weeks were spent in northern New Mexico.  We left Santa Fe and went to Taos for a few nights, then to Angel Fire for about 2 weeks.  We really enjoyed our time in both places.  Angel Fire is only about 30 minutes from Taos, in the mountains, near a ski area.  AND best of all, we had visitors!  Samantha was able to drive down to see us for several days, it was less than 5 hours from Denver where she is living now.  And our very dear friends Shawn and Julie made the long trip from Ohio to spend several days with us.  They had to fly to Albuquerque and then drive 3 hours to Angel Fire.  That is dedication!! 🙂

We had a great time with everyone, and enjoyed hiking and exploring the area with them.  We also were able to go to a hot air balloon festival in Taos with Shawn and Julie.  It was super cold that morning but a beautiful, clear blue sky which made the balloons really stand out in the sky.  The RV resort we stayed at in Angel Fire was one of the nicest we have been to.  It was only a couple of years old, beautifully done with lots of amenities like a very nice hot tub which we visited several times and watched the stars come out.

Sharing our RV experience with family and friends means so much to us.  Catching up on each other’s lives, sharing coffee in the morning then heading out for a long hike up the mountain, coming home and preparing dinner together….how can it get much better than that??

We’ll be taking the RV in for service a few days after we get home.  We have a list of mostly pretty minor things to be tended to like the trim that has fallen off and the fresh water tank that keeps filling up when it shouldn’t.  Then it will be off to storage until I don’t know when….we haven’t planned our next trip yet.  I’ll keep you posted!  In the meantime, here’s some photos from our northern New Mexico adventures:

Lots more pictures in the links below:


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