Another Great RV Season

November 11, 2020

Hello there and howdy! We are back in Columbus, I am sitting in the RV writing this post amidst the unpacking, move-out-of-the-RV mess. There’s just no way around it – living in the RV for half the year means moving everything in and then back out again…I’m not complaining! In fact, I am moving at a snail’s pace, managing to spread this task out over several days. I think it’s my way to extend the time I get to spend in the RV…. 😊

We are always happy to be back in Columbus to visit and catch up with everyone. And Steve has work to do. But, we are sorely missing our mountains and hiking! Since my last post, we spent time in Angel Fire, NM. A favorite spot, this was our third year there. And then it was on to the Denver area, for a visit with Samantha. Wonderful visit and love that our RV life allows us to go visit the kids so easily.

We had quite a bit of snow in Angel Fire. The campground is at 8,400 feet, and after a few days of beautiful fall weather, we had 2 days of snow. We think we got around 8 – 10″. We got out and hiked in the beautiful snowy landscape and loved it. And, we got lucky and woke up one morning to a herd of Elk in the meadow right outside our back window. Each year we’ve been to Angel Fire (this was 3rd year), we’ve had these Elk show up in the meadow. This year, one cold morning after the snow fall, there was a fog sitting over the meadow. As the fog lifted with the sunshine, there were 200-300 Elk in the meadow! They stayed until the next day, then they moved on. We never tired of watching them out the window. Here’s a couple of pictures out the window. They do not do it justice, as always:

We visited Taos several times, it is only about 30 minutes away, and it’s a beautiful drive through a canyon to get there. We love the quirky, earthy, unique vibe of Taos. As much as we love exploring new places, we also love going back to these favorites each year. It’s familiar and comforting going back to places we love like Taos.

A favorite – Chokola – a great chocolate cafe!

Then it was on to Denver to visit Samantha! We had a great visit and love seeing her so happy with her life in Colorado. We had great weather there, very warm for late October-early November. We got in a couple hikes, but mostly hung out with Samantha and enjoyed time together. Gerry was so happy to have “sister” with us again! He knows the word “sister” and I had to be careful not to say it too soon. He immediately begins looking for Samantha and has run away before looking for her when I’ve made the mistake of saying it too soon!

Then it was time to head east to begin our drive back to Ohio. But, just to keep things interesting – after our first night on “the road back to Ohio”, when getting ready to leave our campsite somewhere in Kansas – Steve noticed our one tire on the RV looking extremely worn again. You’ll remember we have had ongoing problems with this wheel/tire on the RV. We had all new tires put on in May, before leaving Ohio, and, we had this one tire replaced during our trip already this summer. And now here it was again, excessively worn and we weren’t comfortable continuing to drive on it. So, I get on my phone and discover we are only a couple of miles from a big truck tire place, call them up and the nice guy says “come right over, we have what you need in stock we’ll do it right away”. So off we go to the tire place in the middle of Kansas. Super nice people, they have us on our way in about an hour.

Looking forward to catching up with family and friends this winter. Then it will be back on the road again in the spring!

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