October 11, 2021, Chama, New Mexico
I know I say it all the time, but, really – where does the time go? Mid October already – does not seem possible. Anyhow….I’m past due on giving you an update! I’m sitting outside our RV in Chama, NM, with a fire going in the firepit, enjoying the piercing blue sky behind the glowing, golden aspens all around us. I really am at a loss of words (hey! I hear the laughing!) to describe the fall beauty in the Rocky Mountains. Sunny, warm days, cold nights, the glowing of the golden aspens and the mountains are getting snow on top now. It is truly amazing. We try and try to capture it in pictures but it just isn’t possible.
My sister Laura just left day before yesterday – she was here for 12 days and we loved every minute of it. It’s always wonderful sharing our RV life with friends and family. This visit was especially special, a time for healing, connecting and recovering after a really tough year. Mountain air, hiking up to 12,000 feet (we were at 12,000 feet twice!) sharing meals, tea around the campfire – nature’s remedy. Snuggles with Gerry – coffee wrapped in blankets – golden aspens everywhere – a little heaven on earth.
And isn’t that what it’s all about? Life is Good.

Lots of pictures and a few videos of our hikes and fall beauty in the San Juan mountains. Enjoy 😊❤
We did this hike twice – it was 1 mile down the road from our campground Blue Spruce, near Vallecito, Colorado: https://photos.app.goo.gl/2gteM9vxbFP5LJoX9
An attempt to capture some of the fall color near Chama, NM – right on the boarder between Colorado and NM in the San Juan mountains: https://photos.app.goo.gl/uLVWTN6rV1Biwvxu5
A favorite hike, going up to 11,900 feet (I call that 12,000!) The terrain is very open and you can see for miles. https://photos.app.goo.gl/9Tqu15a6oJo9eT3y5
A hike on the Continental Divide Trail – a favorite! https://photos.app.goo.gl/ZES7izLDT9HkiBpB9
The “Big Hike” – we went up to 12,010 feet, on a trail that is part of the Colorado Trail. Spectacular! https://photos.app.goo.gl/vJySYQZhq5Rf4yvG9