On the Road Again!

July 13, 2022 – LaGrande, Oregon

Hello, hello, hello! It’s been awhile! I’m a little slow getting a post up this year – sorry! I’ll bring you all up to date with the happenings in our RV world – grab a cup of tea and let’s chat!

We left Ohio the end of May. The RV was in Elkhart, Indiana – we had taken it in to the dealer about a month before we left for a variety of service needs. We had taken it to Port St. Joe, Florida in February and again had some things not work right – so it was back in for repairs. I think you just have to expect this in the RV world – at least from all the folks we talk to it seems to be pretty normal to have it in for service regularly.

Anyhow, and I’m going to keep this part short – we made it about 200 miles down the road and then discovered a brake shoe had fallen out, the brake caliper was hanging and flopping, and all 3 of the other brake calipers were loose and wobbly. Not a good thing. Especially since we had the exact same brake fail last summer and had to have a mobile repair fix it. And, especially, especially since the manufacturer had just recalled the brakes on our model and they had just replaced all 4 brakes and calipers as part of the recall. Hmmm – how does that happen one may wonder??? Well it happened, took about a week of phone calls, part shipment tracking, finding a very nice young man who had a mobile repair service and some luck on the shipment timing and it’s done. 4 new brakes. Hopefully last time we deal with that!

We had a great visit in St. Paul with Guy and Katelyn, and Katelyn’s parents came to visit and we had a nice picnic together at the RV. Then it was on to Denver and a great visit with Samantha and Sam. One of the things we like most about our RV life is that we get to go around visiting family and friends.

Then we moved to Boise for about a week. We haven’t spent time in Boise before. We’ve driven through it a couple of times, but this time we were able to do some exploring. A nice city, great farmers market, and a really nice green space that goes all along the Snake river, about 25 miles long of walking paths.

By the time we left Boise we were pretty much done with being in big cities. After St. Paul, Denver, then Boise, we had pretty much been in “big cities” for longer than we enjoy. So we were really happy to arrive in northeast Oregon, where we are now.

We’re spending several weeks in northeast Oregon, staying at a few different RV parks, all around the Wallowa mountains. We’re getting lots of hiking in and we’re really enjoying being in a “growing region” – tons of fruit and produce here. We are eating ourselves silly on strawberries, raspberries, cherries, blackberries, spring lettuce, spinach, and all the other early summer veggies. We went to a “u pick” farm the other day and picked a bunch of strawberries. Our freezer is overflowing with our bounty!

We just celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary this week! We were talking about how we celebrated our 30th anniversary in Fairbanks, Alaska, during our very first RV season. Seems impossible that 5 years have gone by. Without a doubt, adopting this RV life has been the absolutely best thing we could have done for ourselves. We are so glad we “took the leap”! It still feels like a wonderful adventure and we love it.

In the meantime, we are absolutely loving being back in the RV and settling in to our “RV life” routine. I will keep you updated as the journey continues to unfold this season! Exploring, discovering together, hiking in beautiful places, farmers markets, good food. Life is good!

Some pictures for you:

Visiting in St. Paul and Denver. I did a terrible job getting pictures of the kids – not a lot to share, sorry! https://photos.app.goo.gl/fMoCP6wPVSPsQy716

Hiking and food finds in northeast Oregon: https://photos.app.goo.gl/vDezAiHsY4iRg98j6

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