Howdy everyone! We have been enjoying the Denver area, visiting Samantha at her new home. We arrived to the RV park in Golden, CO on July 4th. It’s a great location, only about 5 miles from where Samantha lives and we have a view of the foothills out our windows. That’s the good news. The downside is that the RV park is super crowded, the spots are not big enough for the big rigs (ours included) even though they advertise otherwise. We’re told it’s one of the few RV parks near Denver that can accommodate big rigs (such that it is). We white knuckled it as we drove through the campground to our spot – people’s trucks and tow cars don’t fit onto the assigned spots so they hang out into the driveway which makes it really hard to drive thru with the rig. But Steve did a great job getting us into our spot and we’ve made the most of it. Did I mention we’ve had the good fortune to enjoy the almost nightly live bands directly across the road at the big biker bar? 🙁 Oh, and the loud motorcycles that come and go morning noon and night at the big biker bar??? Oh well, it’s an experience and makes us appreciate the more remote, quite places we are heading to next.
We’ve had a great visit with Samantha and her friend Ryan who moved out here with her. She graduated from OU in May (yeah!) and moved here the end of May. She will be working at a cannabis company, with 2 retail locations and grow facilities. This is her dream come true, to work in the cannabis industry, and she is excited to start her career. There’s a rather lengthy process to get credentialed to work in the industry, and she’s making her way through the process. She should be fully credentialed and able to start work by end of July. She is so happy here and we are so proud of her, she has worked hard to make this happen.
We got out for a hike the other day with Samantha. A great trail, only a few miles away. We were enjoying the hike in spite of the heat and then we met a rattlesnake right on the trail! Steve almost stepped on him since he was leading the way on the trail, but didn’t see him. Samantha saw the snake and screamed. So Steve was on one side of the snake, Samantha and I were on the other side of him and Mr. Snake was not showing any signs of moving. Steve threw a couple of rocks at him hoping to motivate him to move, but no luck. There was no way to go around him, there was a steep drop off on one side and a high rock on the other side. So, Steve took a long branch, pushed the snake out of the way while Samantha and I ran by him on the trail. His rattle was going full speed and it was scary!! Thank goodness Gerry was at doggy daycare that day! We are worried about our hiking in this region over the next few months…not sure what we are going to do yet about that. We’ve been reading about what to do in the event of a bite. I have a picture of the snake below for your viewing pleasure!
Steve looked up an old college friend, Adam, who lives in the Denver area and we were able to get together for lunch while here. They hadn’t seen each other in about 35 years!! Was so nice to visit together and hear them talk about the old days! I have a picture below of the two of them.
My last post was about New Beginnings and Beauty All Around. I think we can put this post under the same category – New Beginnings and Beauty All Around. Life is good!
Now it’s time to move on to our adventure for the summer, the Southwest. We leave here in the morning for the southwest part of Colorado. We’re going to spend the next few months exploring Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. Hopefully we’ll be able to enjoy lots of hiking and seeing all the National Parks in the area without any more visits from Rattlesnakes!!!